
Approx is a little iOS app design and development studio I started with a good friend. We have worked on a few iOS projects together and found our collaboration quite efficient. Currently the main focus is music related and educational apps. We aim to create fresh and delightful digital products, and wanted our website to reflect that.

All we knew was: we had to stay away from a corporate feel.


In initial mockups, I have explored two main directions. A slightly more traditional design, focusing on type and the devices we develop for, and another one – with an ice cream truck. Naturally, we went with the ice cream truck, and so I started to experiment to see where that could take us.


While we had to show apps on our website, we felt that the occasional ice creams provided a playful contrast, and an entertaining experience. Being an app development company we’ve also decided that all screens should be functional. So we have filled them with small animations or interactive elements that encourage reader engagement.


Iteration is the most important ingredient, so we have been constantly updating the site, based on our findings through hotjar and analytics. We are also conducting regular user testing with friends and friends of friends. As a result we have added a short overview at the top, rearranged a few sections and rephrased the contact form.